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Baldwin pianos

The Baldwin Piano Company was established in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1862 by Dwight Hamilton Baldwin. Originally, the company sold various musical instruments and taught music lessons. In 1891, Baldwin began manufacturing its own pianos, quickly gaining recognition for their high quality and craftsmanship. During the early 20th century, Baldwin became one of the largest piano […]

Kawai pianos

Kawai pianos The Kawai Piano Company was founded in Hamamatsu, Japan in 1927 by Koichi Kawai. Kawai was an accomplished musician and engineer who had a passion for creating high-quality pianos. He was inspired to start his own company after a visit to a piano factory in Germany, where he saw firsthand the skill and […]

Basic piano regulation

In most cases you can improve your piano greatly by requesting these services: Key height & key dip adjustment Hammer height (capstan) regulation Let-off adjustment Back-check adjustment This is as long as the parts themselves are not too worn. Once the parts wear, replacement may be required before regulation.

Life is short, do more of what you love, play more

Do what you love Schedule in piano playing, reward yourself with protected time to play Find a new piece, or abandon a piece that has you stuck Life is short, make the most of the time you have with the people you love, and the hobbies that revive your soul.

How to record a piano

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