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Poole Company Piano

Year: 1938
Serial No. 77785
Year: 1938
Made c.1938 this piano is 76 +/- years old. And is due some repairs to continue on its journey.
There are several scratches are on the cabinet, and can recommend touching it up, we can also have it fully refinished with a local refinisher.
The piano has experienced some humidity over its lifespan, evidence is on the hammers, dampers, strings and keytops. Humidity has lifted the felts from the wooden core on the hammers, and we recommend replacing the hammers with new ones. Other parts that need replacing are the springs that return the hammer to its resting position, the hammer rest rail felt, and the key rest felt. White keytops are cracked, and faded, the sharps have lost their even black coating will require respraying. As well as the bushings needing replacing on the key rail, balance rail, back rail, front rail bushings.. Mostly worn bushings, leathers are good, let-off buttons are also fine, and jack springs tested vary slightly, but unless there are touch issues, I believe can remain. Pedal prop rubbes need replacing. Full action regulation also required on installing new parts, this was necessary either way.
The hammers are worn through normal wear, and need replacing. New hammers will greatly improve the sound, aiming for a fuller richer, and more mellow sound overall.
A small American spinet, made in Boston c.1938. We would recommend upgrading to an upright or grand for an optimum tone and performance, but happy to carry out the work, should this be a family heirloom.